Senior Photo Time!

Well, it’s about that time folks! The mornings are just a little bit cooler, and the days are just a tick shorter. It’s officially back to school time, as a lot of the college age kids will be headed back this week or next. Fall sports have started practice, and it’s time to book those senior photos.


Insert the “no tree leaning” joke here.

I have had the pleasure of shooting some really cool senior photos last year, but I realize that not every Mom wants her son or daughter to look like a rock star. So, with that in mind for the upcoming season, I wanted you folks to see the some of the shots I did of Jenni this summer. There’s one on my portrait page, and one on the main page as well. We did some golden hour stuff that I think came out just beautifully!

Keep in mind that peak foliage availablity is really limited, so you should book your session as soon as possible. Winter is cool (pun intended) too, so we can book into December, especially for most of the local schools.

So, enjoy the rest of summer, and I will see you on the football field!